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Author: Robin

“Every Time I Turn Around – Something Else Happens” (part 1)

“Every Time I Turn Around – Something Else Happens” (part 1)

This is a familiar phrase that is not often associated with anything positive but with things that seem to be overwhelming and challenging. “Every time I turn around ….” This made me think about the actual action of turning around. Does it mean that you’ve just dealt with something and you’re turning around with hope of an opportunity to simply exhale but something else — shows up? Those “something else things” are not desired – at least not right now,…

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“We Are Photos in God’s Darkroom”

“We Are Photos in God’s Darkroom”

What comes to mind when you think about being a photo in God’s dark room? It made me think that I am continually being developed to one day show who I fully am in HIM. Perhaps it’s being in God’s “darkroom” that refines, nurtures, and matures us without too much exposure to things we’re not ready to handle or experience. When we look back on bad decisions we’ve made or childish behaviors we’ve displayed we may not realize that it…

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“How Long Are You Going To Tolerate IT?”

“How Long Are You Going To Tolerate IT?”

It’s my hope that this question caught your attention. How long are we going to tolerate “it”? Of course, the next thought would be what’s the “it” I’m talking about? That’s up to you to fill in that blank…. what’s your “it” that you’ve been tolerating far too long? What have you been subjecting yourself to even though you know it’s not correct or good? Are you tolerating something or someone that is not allowing you to be yourself and it…

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“A Wilderness Experience Can Be Worth It”

“A Wilderness Experience Can Be Worth It”

What comes to mind when you think about the word wilderness? Loneliness, dryness, uninhabited, abandoned, baron, or perhaps simply empty. A wilderness experience can sometimes be a time of spiritual attack and intensified temptation. It may be a sign of God’s faith testing challenge. As I continue to reflect on this word, my mind began to create a scene of a dry wind blowing dirt in a whirlwind formation with sun rays beaming down on the dry ground. As I…

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“Are My Plans in Line with God’s Purpose?”

“Are My Plans in Line with God’s Purpose?”

This is an interesting question that came to mind as I reflected on the following scripture: Proverbs 19:21 (NIV) “Many are the plans of a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.” This verse is just one sentence but very powerful (which is not surprising ). I actually printed out a copy and personalized it by entering my name… ” Many are the plans in Robin’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purposethat prevails.” So, back to…

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“You May Need to Cover Your Eyesight in Order to Gain Insight”

“You May Need to Cover Your Eyesight in Order to Gain Insight”

I was listening to an interesting sermon by Bishop T.D. Jakes and the word “insight” caught my attention. He was presenting a challenge that there may be times that we need to ‘to cover our eyesight in order to gain insight’. What is insight? How do we recognize it? Why should we want it? Is it for everyone? If we get it, what do we do with it? These and several other questions began to run through my mind but…

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“What Is True CASTING?”

“What Is True CASTING?”

Once again there is “a” word that has caught my attention in a particular scripture verse and that word is “cast”. Matthew 7:5 tells us to first cast “…the beam out of our own eye; and then we can see clearly to cast out the mote in our brother’s eye.” Further down it tells us to not cast “…our pearls before swine” and 1 Peter 5:7 tells us to “cast our cares upon him, for He cares for us”. Jesus…

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“Where Are My Keys?”

“Where Are My Keys?”

There’s nothing worst then losing your keys, whether for your house or car and it always happens when you’re in a rush and you don’t have time to look for keys! But the keys I want to talk about today are those given by the LORD as stated in Matthew 16:19 “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be…

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“Even in Silence – I’m Speaking”

“Even in Silence – I’m Speaking”

There are times when it may seem like the LORD is not hearing our prayers because things or circumstances have not changed and we’ve not ‘heard’ from HIM but please note that I said ‘seems’ like HE is not hearing…know that the LORD hears all our prayers. However, as I ponder the thought of God speaking even in His silence, it makes me wonder if this is when the most crucial and life changing words are ‘spoken’ by our LORD….

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Your Pay Day is Coming!

Your Pay Day is Coming!

Most of us have jobs that pay us weekly or twice a month.  We get paid because of the work we’ve done, and it is confirmed by the paycheck we receive. But, let me talk about another account that’s established as our heavenly bank account. As believers, we have established an individual ‘faith bank’ over the years.  This is a unique bank owned by our heavenly Father, The Chief CEO (Christ Everlasting & Omnipotent) runs it continually with 24/7 banking…

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