“How Long Are You Going To Tolerate IT?”

“How Long Are You Going To Tolerate IT?”

It’s my hope that this question caught your attention. How long are we going to tolerate “it”?

Of course, the next thought would be what’s the “it” I’m talking about? That’s up to you to fill in that blank…. what’s your “it” that you’ve been tolerating far too long? What have you been subjecting yourself to even though you know it’s not correct or good? Are you tolerating something or someone that is not allowing you to be yourself and it has stifled your growth as a person?

Are you tolerating disrespect, manipulation, and/or abuse? Are you tolerating being taken advantaged of or being made to feel small and unworthy? Perhaps you’re even tolerating a spirit of complacency and a mindset that nothing will ever change. Are you tolerating a state of sadness that has now been accepted as your life story?

I know the word tolerance can be viewed in a positive manner (e.g. one can tolerate a difference of opinion or belief without judging; or one can develop tolerance that can result in an increase of patience) but I’m writing to address what we’re tolerating that we know is just not right!

We’ve somehow made the decision to “put up with it”. When did that happen? What shifted in our thinking that allowed us to put up with something that we would have previously said “no way – I would never let that happen to me”….we’d be quick to give that advise to someone else and yet… we have fallen prey to very thing we said we’d never let happen to us.

What allows us to tolerate those things that we know are not good? Is it fear of confrontation? Could it be that we don’t believe we deserve any better? It is simply avoidance behavior? Do we know that what we tolerate; will continue?

When do we get to the point that we can’t put up with whatever “IT” is anymore? No more manipulation, no more abuse whether physical or verbal; no more disrespect; as well as no more complacency; sadness or whatever “IT” is. Does it have to be a dramatic experience to get us to NOT tolerate the “IT” …perhaps so…

But I want to believe that for someone; this very blog has ignited in them the very charge needed to know that “enough is enough”. You can begin to shift that tolerance of what is not good and replace it with a strength to “not put up with IT” any longer.

But most importantly, we must always know that we’re not attacking this by ourselves. Our Heavenly Father was simply waiting for our recognition and confession of whatever “IT” was and then He will expose “IT” in the presence of the Holy Spirit that reveals what “IT” really is…next to our Father – “IT” has no authority, and “IT” has no power.

We will NOT tolerate “IT” any longer. Push to embrace the victory that is yours!

5 thoughts on ““How Long Are You Going To Tolerate IT?”

  1. I enjoyed this writing. I know there are times in our lives that we can get weary in well doing and begin to accept things because we got tired. I want encourage all of us to take a deep breath of Jesus and the Holy Spirit and use the second wind to revive us. Thank you Dr. Eubanks for sharing. Keep it going .

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