“You May Need to Cover Your Eyesight in Order to Gain Insight”

“You May Need to Cover Your Eyesight in Order to Gain Insight”

I was listening to an interesting sermon by Bishop T.D. Jakes and the word “insight” caught my attention. He was presenting a challenge that there may be times that we need to ‘to cover our eyesight in order to gain insight’.

What is insight? How do we recognize it? Why should we want it? Is it for everyone? If we get it, what do we do with it? These and several other questions began to run through my mind but let’s start with a definition. What is insight? Let’s keep it simple and direct – the dictionary describes it as the ‘capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of a person or thing’. The definition also provided some powerful synonyms associated with insight such as intuition, perception, discernment and understanding.

However, let’s come back to the wordaccurate in the definition which implies that we could perhaps get an inaccurate insight. This seems to be an oxymoron – because you’d think all ‘insight’ would have to be accurate however it made me focus on who and where we may be getting the ‘insight’. What and where is the source of our insight coming from – is it ourselves; is it from a mentor; a teacher; a friend; a leader; the Holy Spirit?

I believe it can come from a variety of sources however it now makes me see the importance of asking the LORD to direct my source of insight gain. Amen.

What’s more important is to search our heart and mind and be clear as to why we would even want insight regarding certain things or people? What’s our motivation? Is it to help others? Is it to brag about our increase understanding? Is it just to see if it will happen?

Know that asking the LORD for insight will come with a level of accountability. It should be for purposes of Kingdom building; personal and spiritual growth; to learn how to process and direct visions and dreams to become productive plans of action; and to learn how to be a better servant to HIM. Some of us need to lose our eyesight in order to gain insight.

However, please know that asking for insight is not an attempt to become a foreteller of the future – remember insight is allowing you to ‘gain a better and deeper understanding of a person or thing’. This will allow a clearer perspective and discernment as to what is really before you; you will know whether to turn right or left or simply stand still.

Let’s be bold and confident in our trust in the LORD that we can cover our eyesight in order to gain insight.

“Father, I am covering my eyesight; please grab my hand as I walk through this dark moment and let me see the insight behind these circumstances that my eyesight has not allowed me to see. Let YOUR insight shine on the circumstance and deepen my understanding; give me YOUR perspective of what is and what I am to learn. LORD, you are all knowing, and I believe you know the level of insight that needs be revealed to your daughter – no more or no less. You know the purpose and the timing behind the insight revelation – I must trust in you.” Amen.

4 thoughts on ““You May Need to Cover Your Eyesight in Order to Gain Insight”

  1. WOW… This is soooooo needed!!!
    I extracted some of your self examining questions/prayer to create a cheat sheet. 😍
    Thanks for sharing Auntie💞💞

    Father please reveal, confirm and direct my source of insight gain. Help me to trust in Your timing and Your decisions in Jesus name Amen” (ps 119:105)

  2. this was very informative for me. At times I tend to focus on the season that I am in without full understanding of why or what is the lesson. The words “Some of us need to lose our eyesight in order to gain insight”. That for me means I need to work on consistently focusing on hearing from God in each season that I find myself in; sometimes the healing doesn’t come because my focus is misplaced; I pray that I may continuously learn to see the importance of asking the LORD to direct my source of insight gain. Thank you Dr. Robin

    1. It’s hard to focus on the “now” time in our lives. We often focus on the past or worry about the future; neither of which we have control over. 🙂

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