“Use What You Already Have”

“Use What You Already Have”

Have you ever discovered that what you were looking for was right at your fingertips? We so often look for answers from other people and in other places; not realizing that this type search blinds us to see what’s within ourselves; what we already have. 

Have we ever thought to ask God to show us how to use what’s already in our hands in different ways? Perhaps you’ve use it a certain way in the past but it’s not working now – ask Him to show you another way it can be used.

However, I’ve also discovered the importance of how my hands are used. If my hands are always closed tight in a fist; than they may not be used for nothing but anger and violence; if my fingers are spread too far opened, I can’t grab and hold on to all the things needed. I may be able to grab the big things; but the small things slide right though and I’m learning in life that it’s often the little things that matter.

The story of the widow in (2 Kings 4:1-7) demonstrates Elisha’s instruction for her to use what she had... This lets me know that if I use what I already have – with God’s touch – it can move mountains.

 “Father open my eyes to see the usage of what I already    have…let me try it again, let me see its diversity, let me recognize its strength when directed by YOU.”

5 thoughts on ““Use What You Already Have”

      1. Wow!, Dr.Eubanks you know how write it. Thank you for inspiring us to ask God how to use what we have in a different way! A way, we have perhaps never considered. God bless you!

  1. Thank you my brother, I’m glad it was a confirmation in your spirit. Welcome to writings of my heart. 🙂
    Dr. Eubanks

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