“Don’t Be A Fake Fig Tree”

“Don’t Be A Fake Fig Tree”

What in the world are you talking about Dr. Robin? 😊 Well, I’m thinking about the passage in Mark 11:12-14 which described Jesus’ reaction to a fig tree that gave the appearance from afar – that it would have figs.

Do we ever give the appearance from afar that we “could provide what someone else needs but we’re really “faking” it.  We know it’s not real but if we keep producing the image of productivity, we can convince others as well as ourselves, that we’re doing well. We don’t even realize how much effort we’ve put into “faking” it – not realizing that the same amount of effort could produce the real “figs” needed to make us be productive providers.

Have you spent too much time creating the external “leaves” that appear to “have to together”? Our “leaves” look great from a distance, even though it’s our hope that no one will come too close because we know -there’s no real ‘figs’ to be found.

But don’t give up, there can  be a turn around – God is able to replant your tree. If you’re tired of being a “fake fig tree” – it’s time to ask for an uprooting and fresh planting. God will provide a nutritional soil unlike any other. He will allow the Holy Spirit to water you in season and out of season.Your “real figs” that will grow will be filled with love, truth, and compassion. You don’t need to have “figs” that possess all the answers or meet everyone’s need. You just need to produce “figs” that are…

                F- faithful    I- insightful   G- God-given guidance (FIG)

that can help anyone who comes to eat from your ‘tree’.

2 thoughts on ““Don’t Be A Fake Fig Tree”

  1. Very powerful Dr. Rob. I I read the words “we don’t even realize how much effort we put into faking it” spoke to me. In my seasons of distress and having to go through so much sickness and pain in my body, sometimes I give off the impression that I am so strong,nothing breaks me, all is well. But I am faking it. Sometimes I want to cry out to God, why me, God I’m tired of trying to be so strong, sometimes I get so frustrated but I hold it in. This word reminds me and speaks directly to my situation. Thank you Dr. Rob for reminding me that
    “ it’s time to ask for an uprooting and fresh planting. God will provide a nutritional soil unlike any other” that will allow me to be encouraged and continue to press. Through it all this writing reminds me that all I need to do is just allow the Holy Spirit to water me in season and out of season. Thank you God for the opportunity to be a true fig, that is faithful, Insightful and guided by our Heavenly Father. I just want my life to be a beacon of hope, faith and trust for others to see and know. Thank you again Dr. Robin for this beautiful writing.

  2. Thank you my dear sister for sharing earnest thoughts and feelings….I know your words of sincerity will encourage someone else. Let’s strive to be “real figs” together. 🙂
    Love you – Dr. Robin

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