There’s Another Way to See COVID – Christ Offers Victory In Darkness

There’s Another Way to See COVID – Christ Offers Victory In Darkness

 Christ  Offers  Victory  IDarkness
It is hard to ever think of any type victory being developed while in a state of darkness. However, it is in darkness that new things can be secretively developed by the best personal photographer we will ever know – our Heavenly Father. God knows what the final picture of our lives will look like and more importantly, He knows which pictures to develop and when to have them come forth.

At times, we don’t think about how our Heavenly Father is always at work ‘behind the scenes’– in HIS special darkroom – uniquely designing our development and growth. Know that our Father is not attempting to ‘take a picture’ He makes the picture!

We need to know that every picture tells a story of what we have been through and how our continual testimony will give Him praise and honor. Embrace and profess a new meaning of C.O.V.I.D.

Christ Offers Victory In Darkness.

12 thoughts on “There’s Another Way to See COVID – Christ Offers Victory In Darkness

  1. GOD Bless you, Dr. Robin Eubanks extremely in Jesus Name! I believe this is straight from the heart of God. He is the Best Developer I know. All Glory be unto GOD our Father The ONE that is in control! Hallelujah! You are making my baby leap! Hallelujah. Thank you for your obedience

  2. To GOD Be All The Glory!
    Thank you Dr Robin for allowing GOD to use you to minister peace in our minds by embracing a new meaning!
    CHRIST Offers Victory In Darkness!!!!

  3. You are your daddy’s daughter. I use some of his teaching several times a year. A favorite is BUSY
    Good word Robin, thank you.
    In Christ
    Dennis McCutcheon

  4. Praise The LORD our GOD!!!

    Dr. Eubanks,

    What an awesome revelation God dropped into your spirit! Thank you so much for sharing.

    May the Holy Spirit always remind me to embrace and profess that Christ Offers Victory In Darkness. Hallelujah!

    “Thanks be to God for He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Cor. 15:57)

    I love you!
    Charlene of N.C.

    1. I’m so glad this is encouraging others – we need one another. Take care and thanks for posting your comments.

  5. It is refreshing to see things from a heavenly viewpoint, Great things are birthed through the darkness. Bless you for your insight!

  6. Thank you Dr Robin for this inspiring insight – God does offer victory in darkness! I pray you and Mike are staying well. Much love to you.

    1. Ah…so great to hear from you…hope all is well with you and Pastor – please send my love. Take care. Dr. Robin

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