“There’s a Space Between Promise and Oath”

“There’s a Space Between Promise and Oath”

Once again a word that someone stated grabbed my attention and I began to think more about it. I’m discovering that this is resulting in more writing which perhaps is a gift God wants me to develop (something to think about, sorry… I got sidetracked for a moment…I must say this is an “ah-hah” moment for me…smile) Anyway….back to the topic.

This morning one of my favorite speakers, Dr. Tony Evans, was talking about the space between God’s promises and His Oath. We don’t often realize that there is a purposeful space between God’s promise and His Oath, it’s in this space that God is preparing us, testing our faith, and observing our obedience.

I know the meaning of the word oath but I decided to see how Webster’s defines it….
“a solemn usually formal calling upon God or a god to witness to the truth of what one says or to witness that one sincerely intends to do what one says”

God’s promises are confirmed by His oath that if stated – it will happen!

However know that the challenge to us is the space of time between what was promised and His oath that it’s confirmed. What we don’t always realize is the learning process God has in place that will result in our growth and maturity in Him. There will be times when God wants us to experience His supernatural intervention which results in a divine encounter.

For example, think of Abraham ready to offer his son Isaac, the ram in the bush is only recognized after Isaac is bond and about to be sacrificed. Isn’t it interesting that the sound of a ‘trapped’ ram in the bush was not heard until Abraham lifted the knife to kill. Any animal trapped had to be making noise but isn’t it interesting that the discovery of that ram was not seen or heard until Abraham displayed a behavior of obedience and faith. God wanted Abraham to not only demonstrate his obedience but He wanted him to have a divine encounter.

When we walk by faith God can use “unorthodox” means or strange people to meet our needs. God wants us to experience His supernatural intervention – He wants us to have a divine encounter with Him for purposes forthcoming.

We need to learn to look to God and not the circumstance…remember, that space between God’s promise and His Oath is for our purposeful preparation.

5 thoughts on ““There’s a Space Between Promise and Oath”

  1. I love the two words PURPOSES FORTHCOMING-
    There is a purpose in what’s coming. Apart of that PURPOSE is the in-between- the OBEDIENCE, the LOVE, the change in behavior – all posturing us to receive.

  2. I am moved by the wisdom of God and how ares enough about us to test us, to sustain us and to launch us into His plan for us. I am reflecting now on the fact that we don’t always hear the ram in the bush. I need to be quiet and obedient so I can hear.

    1. Yes..being QUIET and obedient so that we can hear. Perhaps there are unique ‘rams’ in a bush that until we truly believe – we can’t hear or see the answer. 🙂

  3. Hello! This makes so much sense. I enjoyed reading it and thinking about it. It is a reminder to me of blind faith…faith by definition IS blind in my opinion and when we live and act based on it that “unorthodox” way of God always work out situations, from the smallest to the worst o ones just like He did with the ram in the bush!

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