“Pieces of Your Purpose Puzzle”

“Pieces of Your Purpose Puzzle”

God gives me analogies and acronyms all the times and this morning as I was sharing a word on the “Women Live on the Line” – we were speaking about discovery of purpose. As I thought about this, I began to think about and picture our life as a large puzzle made up of all kinds of pieces. 

There are distinct pieces being shaped throughout our lives that are the only pieces that will fit in place for our purpose. There are some that were shaped by circumstances that were painful but necessary to create the distinct shape needed to fit in our life puzzle. These are the pieces that create the framework and foundation of our purpose. If honest, I remembered some pieces that I tried to reshape and force into a certain place but could not. The Master Puzzle Designer (GOD) knew the only place that piece was to fit and He always has the final say.

I’ve also noticed how the Enemy oftentimes attempts to reshape our puzzle pieces to not fit God’s purpose. He tries to sand down and reshape our unique pieces by instilling thoughts of fear, anxiety or anger. I thank God that He has come to the rescue on many occasions and has reshaped that piece into its original purpose. 

Know that God has an ultimate plan and purpose for all our lives however I have concluded that He will not show us the complete puzzle until He’s ready.

Did you know that each new piece is designed and released by faith? Once we exhibit that faith and trust, God knows it’s time to release that piece and it fits perfectly in His design.

Let me end with this…
Proverbs 19:21 “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’S purpose that prevails.”

Prayer: “Lord, thank you for being the Master Designer of my purpose puzzle of life. Let me be obedient to whatever shape you design, give me the power to retrieve any pieces from the hands of the enemy, and let me trust Your placement of each puzzle piece for Your purpose.” – Amen.

2 thoughts on ““Pieces of Your Purpose Puzzle”

  1. My life has definitely been a puzzle in as much as it’s been puzzling. But I realize finally at 65, that I am the author of my story, and God is the anchor to my chapters of confusion, fear, sadness, and conflict. it is when we have a strong desire to compare our stories to those other stories, that the chapters become challenging. You know, “the should have, could have, may have”, syndrome. Nobody can do what God placed YOU here to do. This is one reason why often we cram an awkward puzzle piece in an area that doesn’t fit.

  2. Thanks for your thoughtful response…know that God is not only the ‘anchor of your chapters” but He’s a great editor…. (smile)
    Dr. Robin

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