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Author: Robin

“Power of the Human Touch”

“Power of the Human Touch”

There’s a prayer line I take part in every morning and this week we’ve been praying for our leaders being inspired by the story of Moses and the  battle against Amalek. (Exodus 17) As long as Moses held his hands up, the battle was being won, as soon as his hands came down they began to lose.  To this end, Aaron and Hur put a stone under Moses to sit down but here’s the personal lesson that hit me this…

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Thanks for Helping My New Beginnings…

Thanks for Helping My New Beginnings…

I just want to say thank you for all of you that have ventured forth to view my new site and I appreciate your heartfelt comments. I’m working on fixing some of the quirks but I hope to post weekly. If you’ve subscribed to get email notification and have not – please email me at           Dr. Robin

“Let’s Have a Little Taste of the Homeland”

“Let’s Have a Little Taste of the Homeland”

African Chicken Peanut Stew The one thing I love about the winter season is my ability to make all kinds of soups and stews (even though I make them all the time) but there’s something about sitting down – snuggled on the couch, with a steamy hot bowl of soup, accompanied by a toasted slice of  French or Italian bread, (crackers if you must :-). This scenario just shouts comfort and warm fuzzy in my tummy. Well, as usual, a…

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“It’s Time to Cast Your Nets”

“It’s Time to Cast Your Nets”

  I was listening to a familiar bible story this morning regarding Peter and the other fishermen that were wrapping up their nets because of an unsuccessful attempt to catch anything that evening. (Luke 5) There were two things that caught my attention and that was Peter’s verbal response in contrast to his behavior. His verbal response was a very powerful statement that demonstrated obedience to Jesus’ instruction, Peter stated – “Nevertheless at thy word” – yet his behavior demonstrated…

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“Lemon Meringue Combined with Cheesecake…Who Knew?”

“Lemon Meringue Combined with Cheesecake…Who Knew?”

Hello again, I’m in the kitchen and as I said earlier, if I see something pretty or unusual…I’ve got to try to make it. I don’t even remember what I was looking at that brought me to see this recipe but it caught my eye and you guessed it….I went to the store and got the ingredients. I don’t know about you but I do love cheesecakes and I’ve been known to make some awesome combinations myself (e.g. coffee and…

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“It’s Time to Come Out Our Cell”

“It’s Time to Come Out Our Cell”

As I was teaching the adult Sunday school class yesterday, we were discussing Paul’s letter sent to the people of Philippi while in prison (e.g. Philippians 1) where he was encouraging them to be bold in spreading the gospel no matter what. This made me begin to think about the prisons and the cells we may be in emotionally or psychologically. We knew Paul was in a physical prison cell but I began to challenge my students, and myself, to…

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Homemade Hummus

Homemade Hummus

Well, here’s my first food post. Anyone that knows me knows I love to cook and I particularly like to try new things, especially if the presentation is pretty.  I love to watch the FOOD channel and yesterday the Pioneer Woman caught my attention in making what she called a ‘Heavenly Hummus Wrap”. Now, know that hummus is not the most exciting thing to me however I’ve never made my own so I ventured forth. Well, I must say it…

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Living A Full Life

Living A Full Life

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to experience a phenomenal celebration of the life of Dr. Byerte W. Johnson who went to be with the Lord on January 2, 2019. The church was packed with individuals both young and old and from every walk of life. We all had some type connection with Dr. Johnson in a variety of ways related to music. As a young girl, I took piano lessons from her for several years and can picture that upright…

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It’s finally time to Begin !

It’s finally time to Begin !

Hello Everyone: I thought it would be helpful to let my first blog be a brief explanation as to why I came up with the name – “passion and pearls”. When I think of the word passion – I think of strength, strong feeling and emotion, devotion, and heart’s desire. I don’t believe passion is something that just ‘falls out the sky’ – it’s something that continually echo’s in our mind and heart. When your thoughts are not focused on…

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