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Author: Robin

“Is Your GIFT About To Be Opened?”

“Is Your GIFT About To Be Opened?”

Have you ever felt like you are right on the edge of something new about to take place? There’s a stiring up inside of you, you know something is about to happen. It’s something related to a special gift that you sense is in you and about to be fully opened for God’s glory. I didn’t realize until later in life that God not only gives us each unique gifts but He wraps them in a very special way. I…

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“There’s A Difference Between Source and Resource”

“There’s A Difference Between Source and Resource”

Who knew that two little letters could make a tremendous difference in meaning…it’s so important to never forget the SOURCE that provides all the resources. So often we can spend too much time giving energy and focus to the resources we have or  striving to obtain when in essence we forget who is the SOURCE – God Himself. There are times when we take our eyes off the SOURCE and begin to give all our commitment and energy to the resources…

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“Pieces of Your Purpose Puzzle”

“Pieces of Your Purpose Puzzle”

God gives me analogies and acronyms all the times and this morning as I was sharing a word on the “Women Live on the Line” – we were speaking about discovery of purpose. As I thought about this, I began to think about and picture our life as a large puzzle made up of all kinds of pieces.  There are distinct pieces being shaped throughout our lives that are the only pieces that will fit in place for our purpose….

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“There’s a Space Between Promise and Oath”

“There’s a Space Between Promise and Oath”

Once again a word that someone stated grabbed my attention and I began to think more about it. I’m discovering that this is resulting in more writing which perhaps is a gift God wants me to develop (something to think about, sorry… I got sidetracked for a moment…I must say this is an “ah-hah” moment for me…smile) Anyway….back to the topic. This morning one of my favorite speakers, Dr. Tony Evans, was talking about the space between God’s promises and…

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“When’s the Last Time You Experienced …Suddenly?

“When’s the Last Time You Experienced …Suddenly?

There was a powerful word this morning on the prayer line shared by Pastor Alexis Johnson that charged us to experience a “suddenly” today. He was sharing an awesome testimony describing his “suddenly” experiences of when he turned his life over to the Lord and when he was baptized. He experienced the “suddenly” of the Holy Spirit’s presence in his life – that would change him forever. It’s amazing how everything can seem different….suddenly.            …

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“Your Gift Makes Room For You…”

“Your Gift Makes Room For You…”

Isn’t it interesting to know that one’s gift, if recognized, will make room for you. This is a thoughtful reaction to Proverbs 18:16 “A man’s gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men.” Needless to say that applies to everyone – let’s put it this way “A person’s gift makes room for them, and brings them before great people.” The first thing that comes to mind is the assumption that we all have gifts. I earnestly believe…

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“I Have Confidence in You…”

“I Have Confidence in You…”

That’s a very important and influential statement to say to anyone; and it really makes a difference coming from someone you love and respect. But what would be your reaction if you heard the LORD Himself say that to you? “I Have Confidence in You!” This is a statement I heard a few weeks ago at a conference in Atlanta. It was made by an awesome but humble man of God; Archbishop Kirby Clements, presiding leader of the International Communion…

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“Until God Opens The Next Door…”

“Until God Opens The Next Door…”

As I am preparing for a message to preach Sunday, I came across an interesting statement that said “Until God opens the next door for you, praise Him in the hallway”.  Wow…that really made me think about want to do in the ‘in between’ moments.  What do we do in our “hallway” in-between time? How do we keep praising when the hallway seems to get longer? Have we lost sight of that door we use to see some time ago?…

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“My Love Chases After You…”

“My Love Chases After You…”

The other day there was a devotional excerpt I read from the book called “Jesus Always” written by Sarah Young.  For those that may be familiar with this author you know she published several devotionals (e.g. Jesus Calling, Jesus Lives, Jesus Today, etc.) and what I’ve always liked about her writing style is that she writes as if Jesus is speaking to you personally. Well, several days ago I simply opened the devotional “Jesus Always”  to March 3rd and was…

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God’s Beautiful Artwork…

God’s Beautiful Artwork…

I just wanted to share a few photos I took this morning while on my walk…the cherry blossoms are so beautiful and worth the wait. We also know that we only have a few days to enjoy this display of natural beauty. This is what made me not just slow down, not just pause, but stop and look up. I actually reached out to touch the petals on the blossoms that felt like silk. God is the most awesome creator…

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