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Author: Robin

“Use What You Already Have”

“Use What You Already Have”

Have you ever discovered that what you were looking for was right at your fingertips? We so often look for answers from other people and in other places; not realizing that this type search blinds us to see what’s within ourselves; what we already have.  Have we ever thought to ask God to show us how to use what’s already in our hands in different ways? Perhaps you’ve use it a certain way in the past but it’s not working…

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“Don’t Be A Fake Fig Tree”

“Don’t Be A Fake Fig Tree”

What in the world are you talking about Dr. Robin? 😊 Well, I’m thinking about the passage in Mark 11:12-14 which described Jesus’ reaction to a fig tree that gave the appearance from afar – that it would have figs. Do we ever give the appearance from afar that we “could provide what someone else needs” but we’re really “faking” it.  We know it’s not real but if we keep producing the image of productivity, we can convince others as…

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“It’s Great to be a Saucer!”

“It’s Great to be a Saucer!”

What are you talking about Dr. Robin? (smile) Why would we want to be a ‘saucer’ and what’s the cup you want us to be under? Here’s something to think about…Have you ever thought about being under an overflow of blessings and catching what is just enough for you? It is possible… but its initial requirements are humility and an attitude of servitude. Being earnestly and willing under the leadership of a man or woman of God will allow you…

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“Don’t Fret; It’s Just A Detour”

“Don’t Fret; It’s Just A Detour”

This was the title of a topic shared this morning on a phenomenal prayer line I have privilege to be part of each morning.This was shared by an awesome woman of God, Minister Tyeshia Thomas author of “You are a Weapon of Mass Destruction”. (see below for link to purchase) Two keys words stood out to me; fret and detour. What does it really mean to “fret” about something? It’s a constant ongoing worry that has taken ‘residence’ in your…

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“Eyes of Faith See; Before Sight Comes Into Focus”

“Eyes of Faith See; Before Sight Comes Into Focus”

This was a powerful, thought provoking, ‘on-time’ word that was sent to me while in the hospital by an awesome woman of God.  These words made me ponder for some time. What does it mean to have ‘eyes of faith’? Does it mean to be able to see things before they are? Is it a way to view the unusual? I believe ‘eyes of faith’ are developed over time. As we continually grow in our relationship with Christ; we should…

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“May I Have This Dance?”

“May I Have This Dance?”

Know that we serve such a personal God. I didn’t know how to start this posting and was questioning if it was truly to be publicly shared, but I believe it can be an encouragement and blessing to someone. Here’s what happened. A few days ago, I was physically challenged with something that resulted in me being hospitalized for several days. There are several postings forthcoming regarding that experience however I wanted to share this one today. I was visited…

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“Take Away The Stone”

“Take Away The Stone”

Many of us may be familiar with the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead and know the portion of scripture that Jesus instructs them to “take away the stone” (John 11:39) This made me imagine a large stone that was keeping that which was meant to be alive – to come forth. This makes me ask the question of what our ‘stones’ could be that are keeping us from being full of joy, strength, peace, and power. Do…

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“Don’t Throw Away Your Confidence!”

“Don’t Throw Away Your Confidence!”

I must share this ‘ah-ha’ moment I had around 4 o’clock yesterday morning. I was having difficulty sleeping because of a personal challenge I am facing that may require a shift or change in my career. As I sat on the edge of the bed, I was praying and asking the LORD for direction and a strong urge came over me to open my tablet and search the scripture. Well, what happened next has occurred several times which was the…

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Discover the Newness of Your NOW!

Discover the Newness of Your NOW!

Here’s a new way to look at our now. We tend to think of anything new as perhaps being forth coming or something that hasn’t taken place yet but what a great mindset to begin to look for the newness in our present now. Oftentimes we talk about the impact of perception and in this case – it is key. One must expect to find a newness in your now situation, experience, or circumstance, and it may require an earnest…

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“Every Time I Turn Around – Something Happens” (part 2)

“Every Time I Turn Around – Something Happens” (part 2)

We spoke briefly yesterday about that overwhelming feeling that can occur after we continually say – “every time we turn around – something else happens”. What I think we miss is the fact that there was strength that had to be demonstrated in order to turn around. Our turning-around is an action but more importantly; the Lord has shown me that He is already in that turn around experience. Every time I turn around, He’s already there. Ironically, it’s His…

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