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Author: Robin

“Why Are We Scared to Share How Much We Are Hurting? – Battling Depression as a Christian

“Why Are We Scared to Share How Much We Are Hurting? – Battling Depression as a Christian

We all have experienced a challenging last year not only because of the pandemic but its ripple effect on so many components of our lives. Please join me in a two-day seminar on the topic of Depression – particularly as  a Christian. What does the Bible say about depression? What, when, and how can we seek help?  There is hope…. You can click here to register.  

What Does It mean to “really” Cast Your Cares on Him?

What Does It mean to “really” Cast Your Cares on Him?

Many of us are familiar with the verse that states “Cast your cares on Him because He cares for You.” (1 Peter 5:7) Isn’t it interesting that the bible does not say to simply drop your cares; but we need to “cast” them – throw them away? Too many of us have allowed our cares to be lowered just below us; we know where they are, and they are attached to our “fishing rod of life” that we tightly grasp. However,…

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Apple Cider Pound Cake

Apple Cider Pound Cake

Hey Family and Friends: It’s been a long time since I’ve posted any recipes and I just wanted to share something I came across and made this evening – Apple Cider Pound Cake. Many of you know that I’ve made traditional pound cakes over the years but never this one…. YUM – it smells so good and taste delicious. I’ve added the link below if you’d like to try. Enjoy! Robin

Hand The Hammer Over!

Hand The Hammer Over!

It has been stated that we as believers need to nail some things to the cross (e.g. pride, self-will, anger, unforgiveness, greed, addictions, etc.) However, when I thought more about this, an insight came to me this morning – once we nail things to the cross, we need to TURN OVER THE HAMMER to the Holy Spirit. It was shown to me that if we keep our hands on the hammer; we could be tempted to turn it around and use…

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Experiencing Thorns….

Experiencing Thorns….

There may be a thorn in your life but God has ministered to me this morning by saying that although I may be experiencing thorn piercing pain, the fact is, it is on His rose bush. The roses will still come forth and they will be more beautiful than ever. Know that the thorns do not stop the roses from coming forth. Be encouraged my daughter, I know you feel a thorn at times but allow your eyes to see…

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Miracle in the Mist of the Mess

Miracle in the Mist of the Mess

Hello everyone, it has been quite some time since I have posted but I must share a brief testimony that I hope can be encouraging to someone. We are in a challenging time right now and many of us are experiencing the “ripple” impact of this pandemic. One challenge I had to experience was needing to interact with the Department of Motor Vehicle. After two failed attempts to be seen, I decided to come earlier than previous attempts and began…

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Is Your Creativity in Captivity?

Is Your Creativity in Captivity?

Is your creativity in captivity? Are your dreams buried in past attempts? Are they planted deep in fear? What would happen if they were ever allowed to come out? Do we know that sometimes our dreams are crying…all they want is a chance to be released? Have they been hidden behind the bars of our negative thinking for such a long time?  It is time for your creativity to break free! Unfortunately, some dreams are now starving. They used to…

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“I’ll Work with You – When You Give Me Something to Work With…”

“I’ll Work with You – When You Give Me Something to Work With…”

I must say that I initially thought this a very strange thought, but I earnestly believe the Holy Spirit was speaking to me and confirming my part in this journey of life. Let me be honest and put it in the context of when this thought occurred. I had just gotten off the scale which revealed that I had lost almost 3 pounds and I knew it was because I was diligent in my exercise and was changing my eating…

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There’s Another Way to See COVID – Christ Offers Victory In Darkness

There’s Another Way to See COVID – Christ Offers Victory In Darkness

 Christ  Offers  Victory  In  Darkness It is hard to ever think of any type victory being developed while in a state of darkness. However, it is in darkness that new things can be secretively developed by the best personal photographer we will ever know – our Heavenly Father. God knows what the final picture of our lives will look like and more importantly, He knows which pictures to develop and when to have them come forth. At times, we don’t…

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Tomato and Eggplant Soup – Yum!

Tomato and Eggplant Soup – Yum!

Well, it’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything under food however, I know I’m not alone in trying new things to make tasty meals – we’re in an innovative time. Everybody knows I love soups and I came across Tomato & Eggplant soup by Ina Garten of Barefoot Contessa (I love her recipes). It always grabs my attention when I come across combinations I would have never thought to do for a soup.  Let me show you how…

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