“Yum…It Does Taste Good”

“Yum…It Does Taste Good”

Well, once again a photo grabbed my attention. Believe it or not I came across a recipe called Pumpkin Biscotti. You heard it right….Pumpkin Biscotti. Now, I don’t know if I got some true Biscotti fans online but I was not a great fan simply because there were always so dry and hard (smile).

However I know a lot of folks like to use them to dip in a cup of coffee or tea but I still thought they were a bit “rough around the edges” – literally. But as usual – there’s nothing like the homemade touch. I was curious to see how the impact of pumpkin could be on the consistency of the biscotti itself.

The dough had the usual ingredients– flour, salt, butter, sugar…there were spices of cinnamon, ground cloves, ginger, and then the delicious pumpkin was added (you get the hint that I like pumpkin). All ingredients were mixed well and finished with a folding in of dried cranberries and roasted pistachios. You must admit that sounds good…..  

The next step was to shape it into a two log shape pieces, bake for 40 minutes, take out and let cool for 20 minutes, cut into the biscotti shape biscuits, return to the oven for another 20 minutes, cool and finally drizzled with a sugar glaze over the top.

Wow…I was pleasantly surprised. They were very tasteful; especially the cranberry and pumpkin combination and guess what…it wasn’t dry!

8 thoughts on ““Yum…It Does Taste Good”

  1. This was great food for thought! “Rough around the edges,” but was still someone’s preference. “Rough around the edges,” But when mixed with the right ingredients can become an acquired taste. God bless you Dr. Eubanks! Mmm….mmmm….good

  2. I was honored to taste these super moist and delightful treats. And the insertion of healthy fruit and pumpkin was soooooo good. Thanks so much.

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