Your Pay Day is Coming!

Your Pay Day is Coming!

Most of us have jobs that pay us weekly or twice a month.  We get paid because of the work we’ve done, and it is confirmed by the paycheck we receive. But, let me talk about another account that’s established as our heavenly bank account.

As believers, we have established an individual ‘faith bank’ over the years.  This is a unique bank owned by our heavenly Father, The Chief CEO (Christ Everlasting & Omnipotent) runs it continually with 24/7 banking hours. 

Unlike other banks, the investments in this bank result in high yielding returns with continual compounded interests that often doesn’t make logical sense.

The key is how, when, and what we deposit in our “faith bank”. There are several ways we make deposits; some are financial by giving our tithes and offering, some are made by the giving of our time to those in need, some are made my simply demonstrating acts of kindness.

I believe some deposits that are made without any need of recognition; begin to create a return of ‘high interest’.  I believe those professions of faith, the declaration of God’s Word in the mist of trouble are uniquely recognized with a return unlike any others.

Now, keep in mind if you don’t make continual faith deposits in your faith bank – when you need a withdrawal – you’re going to receive a slip that states ‘insufficient faith’.  When we demonstrate a lack of faith – did you know the enemy releases his ‘bankers’ to get us to change our account – he tries to tempt us with ‘give a-ways’ that are really lions in sheep’s clothing. His bank will foreclose on your dreams; it will take all your deposits of ‘anxiousness’, and ‘stress’ and compound their return to keep you stagnant without growth.

Deposits of your faith must be a continual process even if you start with a deposit the size of a mustard seed, it will increase. Know that those deposits made with obedience and trust have the greatest return.

God wants us to live with an attitude of expectancy. There is a payday for those who will not allow their expectations to be cut off or their confidence to be destroyed.  Your sowing has not been in vain… without you even knowing it – your faith bank just added a new floor (smile) – there’s a new crew of angels that had to be hired to handle your increased faith accounts. Know that God has been keeping the books, and payday is coming!



9 thoughts on “Your Pay Day is Coming!

    1. I was truly inspired by the prayer line this morning…I’m making a faith withdrawal today!
      Dr. Robin

  1. Praise and hope all who invest get an awesome return in heaven and here on earth. I often think about the volunteers who support hour organization. We could never pay them for the countless smiles they have brought on the faces of nursing home residents when they CHOOSE to INVEST time and resources to improve their quality of life if only for a few minutes.

  2. I so appreciate the analogy. You are gifted with a brilliant mind, and you bless us all with it.
    Also, thanks for your offer with Debbie. We are humbled.

  3. Impeccable timing! “There is a payday for those who will not allow their expectations to be cut off or their confidence to be destroyed.” Those are serious words that are saturating my spirit right now! We all need a reminder that our faith is not in vain and reading this right now is confirmation for me. God bless you. 😘

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