“Your Gift Makes Room For You…”

“Your Gift Makes Room For You…”

Isn’t it interesting to know that one’s gift, if recognized, will make room for you. This is a thoughtful

reaction to Proverbs 18:16 “A man’s gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men.” Needless to say that applies to everyone – let’s put it this way “A person’s gift makes room for them, and brings them before great people.”

The first thing that comes to mind is the assumption that we all have gifts. I earnestly believe that but also believe that many of us search for personal gifts based on the criteria set by others. Do we have preconceived definitions of what we consider “gifts”? Are gifts primarily related to things like music, artwork, preaching, motivating, and teaching? Has it ever hit you that what you were designed to be known for – is your gift? God has put a gift or talent in every person that the world will make room for.

Would you want to live throughout life without discovering the gift God has for you? If you know your gift(s) and are good at implementing them– know that appropriate space and favor will continually come your way. T.D.Jakes states that “you can use your gift the best – if your in your element.” Obviously a crucial question here is “do you know your element? Are you comfortable in your element? What does “your element” actually mean?

Since I know one of my gifts is public speaking, I believe my element is a time and space that I feel, not necessarily comfortable, but motivated and stimulated to move and bring forth a word. I believe that element, when motivated by the Holy Spirit, prepares not only me but the audience to be addressed.

It is your discovered gift that will enable you to fulfill your vision. Dr. Myles Munroe, stated that “your gift will make a way for you in life. It is in exercising this gift that you will find real fulfillment, purpose, and contentment in all that you do.”

It’s interesting to come back to the highlighted verse (Proverbs 18:16) and note that it doesn’t say a person’s education, or financial status makes room for them, but it’s your gift that does.

If you’re not exercising your gift – know that you’ve closed yourself in and making no room for growth. Do you not realize that the gift you may be sitting on is loaded? This is something to think about….

Know that if you exercise it – the LORD will make room and bring you before great people.

9 thoughts on ““Your Gift Makes Room For You…”

  1. So the question many of us have is “How do we begin the process Of discovering our gifts? Sounds like a new series perhaps?

  2. what a blessing to realize what your gift truly is. I use to think that it was my ability to sing in tune and to be able to harmonize with no problem and be able to hear notes clearly and jump into songs while others are singing and be able to harmonize, and it is my gift but it is intertwined with my ability to deliver and share joy through singing songs to special populations such as the Seniors in facilities and the disabled in group homes. So I started a ministry called, ‘Mobile Joy’ ! we go from Nursing home to Nursing home spreading Joy via God’s praises!

    1. Wow…what a perfect example of how to use your gift. God will continue to make room for new opportunities.

  3. Wow such a timely post. T.D.Jakes states that “you can use your gift the best – if your in your element.” I am fully aware of my elements and what brings me the most joy and gives God all the glory. And even though I believe God will not abandon me, I often allow people, places n things to hinder my ability to fully carry out His divine assignment.

    Thanks for sharing

  4. Dr. Rob,

    I begin with a question. Is your gift intertwined with your purpose? I’m just wondering because I have always struggled and needed clarity on “my purpose”. It sounds like your gift will help you to fulfill your purpose. I think I know what my gift is, but how can I be sure. This just has me thinking. Do I really know what my gift is? Do I need confirmation or should I need confirmation? Just my thoughts. I’m just thankful for opportunities that present themselves like your blog that helps me to look deeper at who I really am and if I am in fact carrying out Gods plan for my life. I hope I didn’t ask too many questions. Thank you for the encouragement. Love you. Pia

  5. There’s never too many questions (smile). I do believe your gift is absolutely intertwined in your purpose. I believe purpose is revealed in “layers” of experiences. The more you pursue the discovery of your purpose…the more it’s revealed. It’s not sense revealing if
    you don’t think it can be….!
    Dr. Rob

  6. Thank you for those words of encouragement, you always have us looking deeper inside ourselves,searching for satisfaction, fulfillment, joy, purpose (am I doing enough, can I do more) and then your message says to me YES.Your gifts will truly bring you comfort and joy. Thanks

  7. Dr. Robin,
    Your writings are beautifully written, inspirational and soul searching, thank you!
    My gift is the gift of helps, mainly one of encouragement.

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