“Where Are My Keys?”

“Where Are My Keys?”

There’s nothing worst then losing your keys, whether for your house or car and it always happens when you’re in a rush and you don’t have time to look for keys! But the keys I want to talk about today are those given by the LORD as stated in

Matthew 16:19
“I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

Now this may be a familiar verse to many, and we often hear folks “binding and loosing” things in their prayers but this verse made me look at the first component of “receiving” the keys that have been given us. Notice the LORD doesn’t force the keys in our hand – He states that He has given us the keys; therefore, we must open our hands and accept them and note that it’s not just one key but KEYS.

If you don’t have the “key” in your hand, you can’t unlock or lock anything; you can’t bind or unloose – anything. We know this is not a physical key but it’s representing our access to power as given by our heavenly Father.

The scripture states that as believers we all have access to the keys of heaven, but I believe the ‘size’ and number of keys may differ depending on your faith. When your faith is strong and has been built over time, I believe you can grab additional keys because you know what needs to be “bound” and what needs to be “loose”. You can handle a larger and stronger key that needs to fully ‘bind’ and ‘loose’ strongholds and cast down imaginations. Keys that can bind the power of debt and sickness and release financial freedom and good health.

Now, on the other end…. perhaps some of us have dropped our keys…and more importantly, we’ve stopped looking to find them. We tried to “bind” and “loose” some things a while ago, but it didn’t seem to happen, so we put the keys down…and now we can’t find them.

I say, it’s time to search again for your keys – do you know that with a heart’s desire to find them -the Holy Spirit will illuminate your life and allow you to see where the keys are hiding. I say pick them back up, grab them tightly, allow your spiritual eyes to be opened and now use those keys and your delegated authority to ‘bind’ and ‘loose’ those things that need be addressed!

Insert your key of faith, turn it as directed by the Father, allow HIM to release HIS power in you, and be ready for whatever needs to be closed or opened.

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