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Tag: confidence

“Don’t Throw Away Your Confidence!”

“Don’t Throw Away Your Confidence!”

I must share this ‘ah-ha’ moment I had around 4 o’clock yesterday morning. I was having difficulty sleeping because of a personal challenge I am facing that may require a shift or change in my career. As I sat on the edge of the bed, I was praying and asking the LORD for direction and a strong urge came over me to open my tablet and search the scripture. Well, what happened next has occurred several times which was the…

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“I Have Confidence in You…”

“I Have Confidence in You…”

That’s a very important and influential statement to say to anyone; and it really makes a difference coming from someone you love and respect. But what would be your reaction if you heard the LORD Himself say that to you? “I Have Confidence in You!” This is a statement I heard a few weeks ago at a conference in Atlanta. It was made by an awesome but humble man of God; Archbishop Kirby Clements, presiding leader of the International Communion…

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