“Power of the Human Touch”

“Power of the Human Touch”

There’s a prayer line I take part in every morning and this week we’ve been praying for our leaders being inspired by the story of Moses and the  battle against Amalek. (Exodus 17)

As long as Moses held his hands up, the battle was being won, as soon as his hands came down they began to lose.  To this end, Aaron and Hur put a stone under Moses to sit down but here’s the personal lesson that hit me this morning – Aaron and Hur also held up his arms on both sides.

To me, it was the personal touch of another human being that continually strengthened Moses. I could just imagine Aaron and Hur squeezing Moses’ arms and hands to indicate that they were with him, that he was not alone, perhaps whispering in his ear that the battle was already won because Jehovah Nissi ( Lord is our Banner) was already waving victory in the air.

These were the things that a stone could not say, that stone was strong but cold and not alive.  It’s nothing like a human touch when you’re in need of encouragement and strength.  It may simply be that hug or hand squeeze which speaks volumes without a word needing to be uttered.

When is the last time you’ve given a loved one (e.g. family or friend) an earnest hug?  Not that wimpy quick rush type hug you give while running out the door in the morning… (smile)  I mean an earnest, both arms around type hug – for at least 30 seconds.  It speaks volumes of love and is always special when it’s done “just because…”

You’ve got 24 hrs… get to hugging…(smile)   

“Hug is a loving gift that cost no money and can be distributed for free.”

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