“Let’s Make It a Habit to Adjust” (part 2)

“Let’s Make It a Habit to Adjust” (part 2)

Know that minor adjustments, made on a continual basis, can lead to major improvements. Sometimes we must adjust ourselves to conditions that are tough but know that the adjustment is what’s needed to get through the circumstance.

It’s important to know that adjustment does not mean compromise. With God’s help we can adjust without compromising our testimony or our values.

Finally, know that in between faith and obedience is adjustment.

Faith + Adjustment = Obedience.


This is something we tend to leave out. We profess that we will be obedient to God’s will but don’t try to make the necessary adjustments. Did you know that it’s the actual adjustments that strengthen our obedience?

Keep in mind that the God who calls you is also the One who will enable you to do His will. Know that HE will help you make whatever adjustments needed to be what HE has called you to be.


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