“It’s Time to Cast Your Nets”

“It’s Time to Cast Your Nets”

  I was listening to a familiar bible story this morning regarding Peter and the other fishermen that were wrapping up their nets because of an unsuccessful attempt to catch anything that evening. (Luke 5)

There were two things that caught my attention and that was Peter’s verbal response in contrast to his behavior. His verbal response was a very powerful statement that demonstrated obedience to Jesus’ instruction, Peter stated – “Nevertheless at thy word” – yet his behavior demonstrated a lack of faith that anything was really going to be caught because he took a single net and not nets as instructed by Jesus.

This confirms the old adage that “action speaks louder than words”. Peter stated that he was willing to go out again but was it really to prove how wrong Jesus was….how could this carpenter’s son tell me how to fish?

Well, needless to say, fish were caught so much so that they broke the one net he brought and the weight of the fish began to sink the boat.

Is it time to cast our “nets”  with an earnest expectation that something good is  going to be caught? It’s time to launch out into unknown territory.      

However some of our “nets” have been thrown in the corner of our minds because they didn’t catch what we wanted after a few throws. God wants to use what you put away….it’s His timing now but He’ll only bless you in the deep…you have to fully trust Him.  

You may say, “but LORD I don’t know how to swim” but He said “I have a life preserver made especially for you – trust me and put it on…it will fit perfectly!”  

It’s time to go deeper, go deeper, and go deeper….your blessing is afloat right outside your comfort zone.

It’s time to cast your nets!

7 thoughts on ““It’s Time to Cast Your Nets”

    1. Amen! I have a gentle spirit but my actions are fierce! Praising God for meeting me right where I am. Having me, at this season of my life to dive deeper into unknown waters. I am convicted to trust Him as His net casting will keep me from sinking or even drowning . I am safe!

  1. We probably heard the same message, what made an impact on me was that whatever gifts God has given you He will use it as His platform,your job, your struggles, your willingness,your life, your integrity. What God has for you is in the deep.

  2. I’m certainly looking forward to being inspired and challenged to accomplish all God has purposed for me.

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