“I Have Confidence in You…”

“I Have Confidence in You…”

That’s a very important and influential statement to say to anyone; and it really makes a difference coming from someone you love and respect. But what would be your reaction if you heard the LORD Himself say that to you? “I Have Confidence in You!”

This is a statement I heard a few weeks ago at a conference in Atlanta. It was made by an awesome but humble man of God; Archbishop Kirby Clements, presiding leader of the International Communion of Charismatic Churches (ICCC). I don’t know if others had the same reaction I had but it made me stop in my movement, it made my hearing not pay attention to whatever was said next, I wrote it down in my notes, and I pondered it in my thinking for some time.

I’ve always thought of that statement in the opposite format – of course I had every confidence in the Lord but never thought of Him having ‘confidence’ in me. The more I thought about it – it brought tears to my eyes – The LORD actually has confidence in Robin Eubanks. 

Could this really be? Why would He have confidence in me? Who am I? As I was actually writing these words…it was as if the LORD Himself whispered this response in my ear…

“Daughter, why would I not have confidence in you? Have I not made you just a little lower than the angels? Have I not created you in My image? I will always believe in what I have created. There is a purpose for which I have created you and I have every confidence that it can be done. Hear my voice, saith the LORD – allow my words to override the thoughts of doubt that often come to your thinking. Accept my confidence in you so that I can continue to show you all that I have planned for you in my Kingdom building. If ever you needed to hear my words, it’s now – know that


There was nothing I could add after that……thank you LORD for being so loving and I will always remember that you have confidence in me.

P.S. I was so moved by this that I printed out a ‘letter’ I created from the LORD that I now have posted in front of me to see everyday. 

10 thoughts on ““I Have Confidence in You…”

  1. Thanks for your reminder. Everyday we take a breath He is working out His purpose in us and he is confident we will accomplish His will.

    1. Absolutely, blessings assured by fully doing God’s Will. It is one thought to know that your boss or family has confidence in me but to know that God has confidence in me, that is the epitome of self worth! It is the highest “stamp of approval” and the fact of the matter is, there will be NO more “self lack of confidence” thinking as I move forward with life’s challenges.

  2. That was refreshing. God has invested so much in his children. His positive thoughts toward us is more than the sand.

  3. What a wonderful thing to hear from my Heavenly Father.Thank you Lord for having confidence in me.

  4. Thanks so much for sharing Robin! These words are very comforting – thanks for the reminder that God has confidence in US. So beautiful and so powerful.

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