“How to Be the Best Student” (Part 1)

“How to Be the Best Student” (Part 1)

Hello everyone,  for several years I have made presentations and workshops on how to be a successful student.Starting next Monday – I will begin a five-part weekly series on:

(a) Effective study skills (Week 1)

(b) Identify Learning Styles (Week 2)

(c) Time Management and Procrastination (Week 3)

(d) Forming an effective study groups (Week 4)

(e) Effective test taking skills (Week 5)

Please note that I don’t put an age limit on who can benefit from this information however it can be best utilized for those in junior high, high school, college, professional and graduate school.

The ultimate goal is to develop a respect for knowledge and a lifelong love of learning.

Let’s begin with defining a successful student. Take a moment and briefly describe what you think a successful student is….(pause)

A successful student:

• Identifies short and long term goals in the area of academics (e.g. courses to complete, careers to investigate, degrees to pursue, and a mentoring connection to established)

• Continually identifies reasons to maintain motivation; embraces curiosity, and demonstrates resilient

• Demonstrates good time management, effective study skills, avoid cramming, learns to ask good questions, avoid procrastination

• Adapts adequate sleep routine, and eats nutritionally

• Knows when and how to seek help if necessary (e.g. academically, psychologically, emotionally, or physically.)

“Strive for progress, not perfection.”

OK…I hope to see you next week.

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