“Eyes of Faith See; Before Sight Comes Into Focus”

“Eyes of Faith See; Before Sight Comes Into Focus”

This was a powerful, thought provoking, ‘on-time’ word that was sent to me while in the hospital by an awesome woman of God. 

These words made me ponder for some time. What does it mean to have ‘eyes of faith? Does it mean to be able to see things before they are? Is it a way to view the unusual?

I believe ‘eyes of faith’ are developed over time. As we continually grow in our relationship with Christ; we should strive to achieve 20/20 eye faith vision. Not to be solely near sighted and only believing in the things we can see right in front of us and dare not believe in what could be forthcoming. Neither do we want to be solely farsighted and miss the blessing that are right in front of us every day.

We know faith is the evidence of things NOT seen – so the eyes of faith cannot be speaking of what is physically seen – it has to be “seen” spiritually – the eyes of faith must develop a view of what will be and can be based on God’s word and His presence.

If we don’t allow our eyes of faith” to develop – we will create a distorted view of what is before us…our sight will not be focused.

Eyes of faith allow us to see what the physical eye cannot see…but there may be times when we need a ‘faith-based eye exam’ due to the weariness of our view. Perhaps our eyes of faith has been strained for a while because we’ve shifted our view on the problem instead of the problem solver.

Let’s let the Holy Spirit place anointed “eye-drops” in each eye that will allow a renewal of a faithful sight. Take a moment, sit down, lean your head back and open your eyes of faith; allow the Holy Spirit to place how ever many renewal drops needed.

Thank you, Lord, I feel that my eyes of faith are being renewed; my sight is now becoming focused.

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