“Don’t Fret; It’s Just A Detour”

“Don’t Fret; It’s Just A Detour”

This was the title of a topic shared this morning on a phenomenal prayer line I have privilege to be part of each morning.This was shared by an awesome woman of God, Minister Tyeshia Thomas author of “You are a Weapon of Mass Destruction”. (see below for link to purchase)

Two keys words stood out to me; fret and detour. What does it really mean to “fret” about something? It’s a constant ongoing worry that has taken ‘residence’ in your mind and heart. We can’t allow ourselves, as believers, to get to a state of fret or at least we cannot stay there. Fret creates a delusion of what is or could ever be – all you see in a state of fret is – “no way out” type thinking…this is dangerous.

Get out now! Turn around! Change direction! Know that the detour in front of you can be a spiritual detour placed strategically by our Heavenly Father.

However, let me add right here what the LORD gave me this morning – make sure you first ask God to expose the enemy’s detours. You may be about to fall into a pit placed right in front of you by the enemy.

“Heavenly Father, expose the devil’s detour right now… in the name of Jesus.” Amen

But know, as Minister Thomas stated, that God’s spiritual detours are a “Destiny exit to our ultimate reward”. Wow…read that again, I know you had to 😊.

Know that God is in the middle of any detour – His Spirit is our compass – our GPS of life. These spiritual detours always have purpose – perhaps it’s time for a re-alignment to His will and direction. Don’t fret it – learn from it! Trust God as our guide through the detour experience.

Know that because God is all knowing and He always has our best interest in mind – know that there is a destination in the detour which will always lead us to HIM.

Click: “You Are A Weapon of Mass Destruction”


3 thoughts on ““Don’t Fret; It’s Just A Detour”

  1. Great Revelation Dr. Eubanks! Hallelujah! Our Heavenly Father never ceases to Amaze me with how HE divinely works everything out! Hallelujah!

  2. Yes, Dr. Eubanks, I was truly blessed as well. I also received the revelation God gave you as well. I thank you for sharing the word the Lord gave you. Praise God!! God bless you.

    Minister Tyesha, Don’t fret, it’s just a detour was powerful and spiritually encouraging. What a beautiful morning word of inspiration.

    Thank you again 🙏🏾❤️🙏🏾

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