Discover the Newness of Your NOW!

Discover the Newness of Your NOW!

Here’s a new way to look at our now. We tend to think of anything new as perhaps being forth coming or something that hasn’t taken place yet but what a great mindset to begin to look for the newness in our present now.

Oftentimes we talk about the impact of perception and in this case – it is key. One must expect to find a newness in your now situation, experience, or circumstance, and it may require an earnest search. When I say discover the newness in your now, it may mean to seek something out but more excitingly, it can be right in front of us if we allow ourselves to look for a newness in our now.

Expectation and perception are key. We’ve heard the adage “is your glass half-full or half-empty” but I’m challenging us right now to even notice that we have a glass and that there’s a unique liquid in our glass. It’s not fully empty or fully full but there is something. It’s exactly what you need for the moment. You need not thirst – stand still and take a sip of your NOW – right NOW. You may find it surprisingly refreshing. It quenches and confirms the desire to keep moving.

Discovering the newness of our now shifts our thinking to be grateful for the fact that we are still alive. Stop in your tracks now and see the beauty around you; see a beautiful flower that we’ve past every day without noticing because your thoughts were on yesterday or tomorrows concerns.

Your new now inspires you to say an earnest “good morning” to a complete stranger which stirs a warmth in your spirit. We look at the newness of our now and appreciate every moment knowing that we can’t control the future or change the past.

Discover the newness of your now which means to

N – never O – overlook W – worth!


11 thoughts on “Discover the Newness of Your NOW!

  1. Awesome. It’s discovering the new in our now that inspires and motivates us to move forward with great expectation.
    Thank you very much for these words. Love you

    1. It’s so important to see how our decision to make “now” a blessing is up to us…continue to be refreshed. 🙂 Love you Lee

  2. Dr. Robin this is an excellent teaching. I have a motto I have learned to live by, “I Refuse to let yesterday and tomorrow Steal my today.” God bless you! I thank God for you and this awesome teaching.

  3. Yes, living in the now does allow you to see the beauty in the flowers, the beautiful clouds to form animals and to realize just how much we are loved by our Lord! Outstanding, inspirational teaching!
    Thank you Dr. Robin!

  4. I love that acronym N – (never ) O – (overlook) W- (worth). Now, if people would only slow down to appreciate the NOW!

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