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Author: Robin

How To Be The Best Student (part 5) – Test Taking Skills

How To Be The Best Student (part 5) – Test Taking Skills

As a student you will have a variety of tests throughout your academic experience. Often times students share their anxiousness about taking exams however if one is prepared correctly, it can make all the difference.  Let’s start with identifying the different types of tests and how you should prepare for each. Types of Tests Objective ( multiple choice, T/F, fill in the blanks, matching) Standardized Essay Performance Best way to prepare for a test – is to prepare a test…

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How to Be the Best Student (part 4) – Creating Effective Study Groups

How to Be the Best Student (part 4) – Creating Effective Study Groups

Creating effective study groups is a way to enhance learning. Group members share unique insights and perspectives of course content and it allows participants to learn from each other. Study groups are particularly effective for completing projects, developing presentations and preparing for exams. How to Form a Study Group Find people who share your academic goals You want to work with other students that are serious about what needs be done; they know that good study groups can make all…

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How To Be The Best Student (part 3)- Time Management and Procrastination

How To Be The Best Student (part 3)- Time Management and Procrastination

Week 3 – Time Management and Procrastination The first thing I always begin with is the fact that we don’t “manage” time – we manage ourselves in the time allotted. We can’t control time – we control what we do in the time that keeps moving. Time management is making optimal use of available time. Let’s first look at some challenges regarding time management – I call them “time stealers”.         TIME STEALERS • Lack of planning –…

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How To Be The Best Student (part 2)- Identify Learning Styles

How To Be The Best Student (part 2)- Identify Learning Styles

Week 2 – Identify Learning Styles Learning styles is a group of characteristic, attitude, and behavior that define our way of learning. Everyone has a preferred way to learn and there are strategies for each learning style. I would like to introduce three different learning styles and it will be helpful to see what qualities and behaviors may best match your learning style. The three styles are: Auditory Learner Visual Learner Tactile/Kinesthetic Learner   Auditory Learner – An auditory learner…

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“How to Be the Best Student” (Part 1)

“How to Be the Best Student” (Part 1)

Hello everyone,  for several years I have made presentations and workshops on how to be a successful student.Starting next Monday – I will begin a five-part weekly series on: (a) Effective study skills (Week 1) (b) Identify Learning Styles (Week 2) (c) Time Management and Procrastination (Week 3) (d) Forming an effective study groups (Week 4) (e) Effective test taking skills (Week 5) Please note that I don’t put an age limit on who can benefit from this information however…

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The Impact of Domestic Violence Doesn’t Go Away…When You Went Away…

The Impact of Domestic Violence Doesn’t Go Away…When You Went Away…

Domestic Violence is an Epidemic that Just Won’t Slow Down!Just recently, I had the privilege of conducting a workshop on domestic violence; primarily focusing on those that have physically left the abusive environment but the “abusive environment” had not left them. At the conference, we had an awesome audience of women that had stories to tell and I can only imagine the one’s that had a story to tell but were not able to verbalize it…..yet. I’m obviously not going…

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“Are You Experiencing a Crisis of Belief?”

“Are You Experiencing a Crisis of Belief?”

I’ve been sharing thoughts on the topic of adjustments to several audiences. Let me share a brief component of that lessonbased on an interesting term called“crisis of belief”. This term actually came from an awesome workbook called “Experiencing God” by Henry and Richard Blackaby, perhaps some of you are familiar with this teaching. When you read the term “crisis of belief” you may have a tendency to think about a negative type event (e.g. crisis) that will impact your belief…

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“Have You Ever Had Sunny Spinach Pie?”

“Have You Ever Had Sunny Spinach Pie?”

This looked so cute; I had to try to make it. It actually ended up being quite easy, especially since I cheated and didn’t make my crust from scratch. (smile) The recipe includes cooked chopped spinach, mixed with ricotta and parmesan cheese.  The tricky part is how to make the actual “sunny” look. Hopefully the pictures will help you see how the steps were done.One key thing is to make sure you squeeze the water out of the chopped spinach…

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“When Was The Last Time You Cleaned Your Net?”

“When Was The Last Time You Cleaned Your Net?”

I posted earlier about “casting our nets” and this whole concept regarding net casting has continually moved me to “plunge” into the deep of its meaning and its application to our everyday lives. I’m discovering that this study of net casting has several components that need be examined and one of them being the importance of net cleaning. This can be a tedious task but is crucial to do after every casting. Know that after any casting – we’re going to…

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“Yum…It Does Taste Good”

“Yum…It Does Taste Good”

Well, once again a photo grabbed my attention. Believe it or not I came across a recipe called Pumpkin Biscotti. You heard it right….Pumpkin Biscotti. Now, I don’t know if I got some true Biscotti fans online but I was not a great fan simply because there were always so dry and hard (smile). However I know a lot of folks like to use them to dip in a cup of coffee or tea but I still thought they were…

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