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Author: Robin

Whose Report will YOU Believe?

Whose Report will YOU Believe?

Well, we have report after report after report – the numbers and the stats change daily. Needles to say we are in challenging times but if ever there was a time to read THE REPORT – that being God’s Word – now is the time. HIS report has not changed, it’s doesn’t shift, it doesn’t contradict itself, it doesn’t grow old, it’s applicable to anything that’s going on today, it’s real, it comforts, it encourages, it directs, it restores, it…

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“Are You On The Enemy’s Hit List?”

“Are You On The Enemy’s Hit List?”

What a question! Who wants to be on anybody’s enemy’s hit list? Well, guess what –YOU DO and SHOULD BE…IF YOU ARE AN ACTIVE BELIEVER IN GOD. If your life is focused on being part of God’s kingdom building plan….if you profess the Word of God in and out of your life circumstances…if you sing praises and worship God simply for who HE is…..If you know how to speak to that mountain and say move and believe that it is…

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“Whose net are you casting?” (part 2)

“Whose net are you casting?” (part 2)

Yesterday, I challenged us to make a distinction between two types of “spiritual” nets.  There are nets the LORD has designed for us to cast and there are nets the Enemy has designed. Know that as of yesterday – the Enemy’s type net was exposed! Amen…now let’s talk about the nets we should be casting. The net or nets designed by the Holy Spirit comes especially designed for you – it has your name on it. When cast out, it…

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“Whose Net Are You Casting?” (part 1)

“Whose Net Are You Casting?” (part 1)

Just the other day I had a brief but powerful conversation about nets (yes, nets 😊) which made me remember a few previous postings I made last year regarding nets you may want to look at it. (Feb 1 & 16, 2019) Well, the LORD continues to amaze me regarding the layers of meanings HE can bring to what we may consider a simple word like “net”. There are different types of nets used for the different things trying to…

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There’s Power in Words…

There’s Power in Words…

Well, it’s been a while since I posted.  I’m going to post something a bit different this time. I’m going to share some of my favorite quotes. Perhaps these can be words of encouragement, hope, confirmation, and even challenge.  Enjoy….and send a quote to a friend or family…you know exactly who you thought of when you read it…😊 “Sometime when you’re in a dark place you think you’ve been buried, but actually you’ve been planted.”   – Christine Caine “Life is…

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“Get Up and Win That Race”

“Get Up and Win That Race”

This morning on the prayer line we began to talk about the importance of “running our race” and to keep going no matter what. This made me think about a poem I use to share with my students years ago called “The Race”.  Several listeners were moved by this poem this morning so I thought to share it on this posting. It’s somewhat lengthy but worth every word. Enjoy. The Race by Dr. D.H. “Dee” Groberg Whenever I start to hang…

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“Let’s Make It a Habit to Adjust” (part 2)

“Let’s Make It a Habit to Adjust” (part 2)

Know that minor adjustments, made on a continual basis, can lead to major improvements. Sometimes we must adjust ourselves to conditions that are tough but know that the adjustment is what’s needed to get through the circumstance. It’s important to know that adjustment does not mean compromise. With God’s help we can adjust without compromising our testimony or our values. Finally, know that in between faith and obedience is adjustment. Faith + Adjustment = Obedience. This is something we tend to…

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“Let’s Make It A Habit To Adjust” (part 1)

“Let’s Make It A Habit To Adjust” (part 1)

I don’t know about you but I’m not going to make resolutions this year – I’ve tried it in the past but didn’t quite make it to February. 😊 I think the best thing to do is make doable, realistic, “adjustments” to things you have control over. On a spiritual note, know that any adjustment God wants us to make is for our good. This type adjustment demonstrates alignment with HIS will which may require an ‘adjustment’ of our viewpoint…

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“ALL”- A Small Word But Powerful Meaning

“ALL”- A Small Word But Powerful Meaning

All is such a small word but in the WORD it’s so powerful. There are very familiar verses that use the word “all” – “ALL things work together for good…” (Rom 8:28) “I can do ALL things through Christ that strengthens me…” (Phil 4:13) “…..with God ALL things are possible” (Mark 10:27) But do we really embrace the meaning of the word “ALL”? Do we believe it applies to every situation, every closed or opened door, every breakthrough, every blessing,…

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“Don’t Let Luggage Become Baggage”

“Don’t Let Luggage Become Baggage”

This is an important thought of clarity to know when things we may have first carried as luggage have now become baggage. What does this mean? Well, let’s first think about luggage and its usage. Luggage is what is needed when we are going away somewhere. We use it to pack what is needed for wherever we are going; we unpack things at our destination, repack it to return home, and unpack it when we arrive at home. Ironically, most…

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