“Are You Experiencing a Crisis of Belief?”

“Are You Experiencing a Crisis of Belief?”

I’ve been sharing thoughts on the topic of adjustments to several audiences. Let me share a brief component of that lessonbased on an interesting term

called“crisis of belief”.

This term actually came from an awesome workbook called “Experiencing God” by Henry and Richard Blackaby, perhaps some of you are familiar with this teaching.

When you read the term “crisis of belief” you may have a tendency to think about a negative type event (e.g. crisis) that will impact your belief regarding what has happened.
However I’m going to challenge you to entertain a different description of what is meant by “crisis of belief”.

“Anytime God leads you to do something that has God-sized dimensions, you will face a crisis of belief. At that point what you do next reveals what you believe about God”.

Wow…I don’t know about you but I know you have to re-read that quote again!

What does it mean to do something that has a “God-sized dimension”? Do you ever think that God would lead you to do something that’s considered to have a God-sized dimension? Would you doubt your ability to do anything in that capacity? Do you think that’s only for certain people with different levels of education or training?

Actually it is for a certain type person that has made a decision that God can use them – in any capacity He foresees.

Again, what you do next reveals what you believe.

Know that when God speaks to you to reveal what He is about to do, that revelation is your invitation to adjust your life to Him.

What you do next, is your crisis of belief!

5 thoughts on ““Are You Experiencing a Crisis of Belief?”

  1. Since I have been attending healing classes for more than a year not necessarily for healing , my faith has increased! Our inheritance is so much more than we realize; our benefits magnanimous until I am prepared to face a God -sized dimension because I’ll be doing it in His strength!

  2. You’re correct…what needs to happen is a change in us and our level of belief, as we step out in preparation to take on God-sized dimensions of what needs to be accomplished.

    Dr. Robin

  3. This actually a really powerful message and quote. I had to read it a couple of times because of the impact it has. I will post this quote in a place where I can see it often and so that I am reminded that His “revelation is my invitation to adjust my life to Him.”

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