“May I Have This Dance?”

“May I Have This Dance?”

Know that we serve such a personal God. I didn’t know how to start this posting and was questioning if it was truly to be publicly shared, but I believe it can be an encouragement and blessing to someone. Here’s what happened.

A few days ago, I was physically challenged with something that resulted in me being hospitalized for several days. There are several postings forthcoming regarding that experience however I wanted to share this one today.

I was visited by an awesome woman of God, Elder Marcia Williams, who began to provide a closing prayer which resulted in a special visitation by the LORD HIMSELF.

As we held hands one with another, the SPIRIT of GOD raised my spiritual self and asked could HE have my hand for this dance”.

I sensed HIS presence in a way there hadn’t been in quite some time – again HE asked, May I have your hand and added that HE MUST lead.  I placed my hand in HIS and HE gently grabbed my hand and we began to spin, ever so gently, around a room where the floor began to disappear. I was lifted higher with each step and it was to be undisturbed. A guardian angel was instructed to protect the entrance of this experience – nothing was to interfere with this time.

There was a unique melody playing that I’ve never heard before – I felt such a lightness – like I was floating in the air. My feet left the ground and I continued to ‘waltz’ on the clouds of Heaven – just the LORD and me.  Actually, I didn’t concentrate on the visual around me – it was a constant sensation of twirling and being lifted ever so gently.  I’m so glad I let HIM lead.

As time passed, I began to see a ballroom type atmosphere that had high seats placed in the clouds. The people there began to applaud as they watched us dance all around the clouds, but I quickly realized that it was not an applaud for me – it was praise and worship for my LORD master. They were praising HIM for who HE is and how HE was demonstrating HIS personal love and caring for HIS daughter Robin.

It was the eyes of faith that allowed me to take the Master’s hand and the best thing was to allow HIM to lead. Amen

I hope this may encourage someone. Please know that it’s always best to let HIM lead – especially when you’re feeling vulnerable, overwhelmed, anxious, or simply needing an intimate reminder of how loving our HEAVENLY FATHER is.

May HE have a dance with you?   

8 thoughts on ““May I Have This Dance?”

  1. OH Wow! As I am reading this blog, I sensed presence of God! I was envisioning this private, yet intimate moment. “OH HOW HE LOVES US!” He is never so busy that He can’t take time to give us His Personal attention “Hallelujah!” Thank you for sharing!

  2. This is beautiful and such a wonderful story reminding us all of the ever important missive. We need to listen and follow what we hear from above. Sending you good vibes and love my friend.

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