“Take Away The Stone”

“Take Away The Stone”

Many of us may be familiar with the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead and know the portion of scripture that Jesus instructs them to “take away the stone” (John 11:39)

This made me imagine a large stone that was keeping that which was meant to be alive – to come forth. This makes me ask the question of what our ‘stones’ could be that are keeping us from being full of joy, strength, peace, and power.

Do we have stones of anger, stones of fear, stones of unbelief, stones of anxiety, stones of unforgiveness? If we’re honest, some of these stones began as little ‘pebbles’ that have been piled up over the years, one on top of another that has now became a large stone – seemingly unmovable.

But that’s not true…we can profess the same instruction Jesus gave to the people “take away the stone”. He prayed unto the Father and we can as well…

”Heavenly Father – take away the stone in my thinking that has allowed me to doubt Your word; take away the stone that has allowed me to stay in an overwhelmed state; take away the stone that has hindered my vision of what You want me to be; take away the stone that has stifled by growth in You…thank you LORD for being the spiritual “construction worker” that will not only move the stone but will blast it into a thousand pieces!” Amen 

Again, know the stone has been removed and it has been blasted into a thousand pieces – it cannot be retrieved. The person that God has created can come out now – the ‘grave’ is opened. It’s time to live the life God has for you to pursue with purpose.

3 thoughts on ““Take Away The Stone”

  1. Praise God that he can blast the stone into a thousand pieces! Praise Him! The visual was powerful. Keep sharing Dr. Eubanks.

  2. Hallelujah! This message has blessed me, in more ways than one. Thank you Mighty Ambassador of God for your obedience to His voice. Hallelujah!

  3. Thank you Dr. Eubanks for yielding to the Holy Spirit; God has blessed you to present things in a deep spiritual way as well as a down to earth way! Praise Him for blasting the stones away and they are not retrievable!

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