“Don’t Throw Away Your Confidence!”

“Don’t Throw Away Your Confidence!”

I must share this ‘ah-ha’ moment I had around 4 o’clock yesterday morning. I was having difficulty sleeping because of a personal challenge I am facing that may require a shift or change in my career.

As I sat on the edge of the bed, I was praying and asking the LORD for direction and a strong urge came over me to open my tablet and search the scripture. Well, what happened next has occurred several times which was the Bible opening directly to what the HOLY SPIRIT wanted me to see….

This is what was immediately presented before me….

Hebrews 10: 35-36
“do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.
You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.”

Wow…can you believe this…God’s WORD telling me directly to not throw away my confidence.Do not cast it away. The HOLY SPIRIT instructed me to “pick up that confidence daughter” “PICK IT UP right now!

I honestly felt a surge in my spirit and tears began to fall. I could picture the word confidence broken into pieces on the floor. The HOLY SPIRIT reiterated that I cannot let the enemy step on my confidence but more importantly – I was NOT to step on it myself.

Don’t you realize that I have confidence in you” – saith the LORD. I know what I was doing when I made you; you are unlike any other and I have strategically placed you in this moment.

Thank you LORD for meeting me right where I needed it – as you always do.

4 thoughts on ““Don’t Throw Away Your Confidence!”

  1. What a comforting and powerful word. Reminds me of what Jude 3 said. Contend (fight) earnestly for the faith that was delivered to all the saints. We must fight for our confidence in what God has placed in us and fight for our confidence in HIM!

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