“Every Time I Turn Around – Something Happens” (part 2)

“Every Time I Turn Around – Something Happens” (part 2)

We spoke briefly yesterday about that overwhelming feeling that can occur after we continually say – “every time we turn around – something else happens”.

What I think we miss is the fact that there was strength that had to be demonstrated in order to turn around. Our turning-around is an action but more importantly; the Lord has shown me that He is already in that turn around experience. Every time I turn around, He’s already there. Ironically, it’s His strength, that allows me the strength, to actually – turn around.

He’s already in that circumstance that is forthcoming, He’s been in my turn around before it happened. He’s been in the circumstance I just went through, the circumstance I’m about to go through, and even if they’re simultaneous, He is all powerful and the only one that can be in both at the same time. God is in every turn-around of your yesterday, today, and forever.

Do we realize that the turn-around we talk about requires strength, action, determination, or else we would just stay stagnant and overwhelmed? Yes, know that “every time you turn around and something else happens” the fact is – YOU TURNED AROUND!

We may never realize that our turn around that forces us to face new mountains, is met with a stronger force. Did we ever consider a spiritual significance as to when and why we turn around? Did you ever take a moment and see how the Lord brought you through that last turn around experience?

Know that the Lord is already in that next turn around experiences; some are for growth, some for increase in faith, and some simply to give us what’s needed to help somebody else.

Finally, know that some of us are being specifically designed to take several “turn arounds” at one time. This can seem overwhelming however we can’t negate the fact that we are still here, we still have the strength to turn around and what the Lord is allowing – will not make you “dizzy” but is turning you around and planting the roots of your faith deeper in HIM.


6 thoughts on ““Every Time I Turn Around – Something Happens” (part 2)

  1. Dr. Rob I simply say thank you. When told I would need total hip replacement I literally thought to myself “every time I turn around” something else is breaking down on my body. I am frustrated because I am sick and tired of being sick AND tired. Thank you for reminding me that it is God strength that gives me the strength to “turn around”…It is God who has been with me through my past illnesses which has been many. I can remember too many times when the doctors were unsure I would make it , it was God turning that situation around for my good. While I initially felt frustration and yes, some anger about having to go into an operating room for the 17th time I praise God that he goes before me, that he goes ahead of me to prepare the way and yes he is already in this next turn around experience preparing for a super natural miraculous recovery that eyes have not seen. I will print this one and put it on my book bag so I can read it every single day as I lead up to surgery. Lord, I will TRUST you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this. I don’t know how you knew but this was exactly what I needed.

    1. Thank YOU my dear sister Pia….the postings and content of my writings truly come from the heart…and my heart is in HIM. It is your type comments that will keep me moving forward. Yes, God is already in your next “turn-around”. Love Dr Rob

  2. AMEN…Sis Pia n Auntie.
    I had not ead part 2 when I respond to part one. For me part 2 confirms. In spite of our set-backs divinely sent or otherwise, (its unavoidable on this journey called life). Nonetheless, not ignoring your reality, but deliberately chosing to seek out, the hand of God, I too believe generates His sustaining POWER, giving us the ability “TO SUFFER WELL”. …TGBATG 💜💜

  3. Dr Mom, i’m always in awe of how God uses you. I found this week to be a range of emotions. So much til by Wednesday I did feel like smiling and had the “every time I turn around” moment. I made it to Friday and looked at pictures I took — for as much mayhem this week brought, the pictures show me how God was at every turn around. How He kept me and sustained me through these last few days. This was so on time! Thank you for sharing Gods heart with the world!!!

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