“Every Time I Turn Around – Something Else Happens” (part 1)

“Every Time I Turn Around – Something Else Happens” (part 1)

This is a familiar phrase that is not often associated with anything positive but with things that seem to be overwhelming and challenging.

“Every time I turn around ….”

This made me think about the actual action of turning around. Does it mean that you’ve just dealt with something and you’re turning around with hope of an opportunity to simply exhale but something else — shows up? Those “something else things” are not desired – at least not right now, you’re asking life to please let me simply rest a moment – emotionally, physically and spiritually, but…

“Every time I turn around…”

What’s the words we say to ourselves in order to make it through the “something else” that showed itself unexpectedly? Do we say – “I can make it”; “this will not wipe me out”; “the LORD is on my side”; “this will not last forever”; but as it seems to continue to go on and on – your words get softer and softer. Your eyes focus on the circumstance and the thought arises again…

“Every time I turn around…”

Let’s find out tomorrow what really can happen “every time we turn around” … (cont. tomorrow).

5 thoughts on ““Every Time I Turn Around – Something Else Happens” (part 1)

  1. It’s in the pondering moments if possible, (some struggle are real for real). But if we can in that moment identify what’s keeping us from fully trusting God. I truly believe we can experience instant emotional/ spiritual relief to move forward…Its a process.

    Thanks for sharing Auntie 💝💝💝

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