“Even in Silence – I’m Speaking”

“Even in Silence – I’m Speaking”

There are times when it may seem like the LORD is not hearing our prayers because things or circumstances have not changed and we’ve not ‘heard’ from HIM but please note that I said ‘seems’ like HE is not hearing…know that the LORD hears all our prayers.

However, as I ponder the thought of God speaking even in His silence, it makes me wonder if this is when the most crucial and life changing words are ‘spoken’ by our LORD. What do you mean Dr. Robin?

I mean it’s when we have decided to be still in His presence that we sense HIS power embracing us and HIS presence speaks volumes of peace, confirmation, and comfort that no ‘words’ can describe. It’s during these times that the Father knows He has our FULL attention. He’s not competing with the television or our phones or even our thoughts of the day’s demands. I believe it is GOD’s desire to have HIS children spend more silent time in HIS presence. However, I’ve also discovered that truly allowing ourselves to be quiet before Him to ‘hear’ HIS silence is not easy.

When was the last time we simply said, “Good morning Father, I love YOU….” and then not another word, no prayer request, no expression of frustration, not even words of gratitude for who HE is…just stillness and silence.

We are constantly bombarded with noise and distractions. It takes an earnest effort to be still in HIS presence. But it’s during those times that HIS presence speaks to us not necessarily in words but by confirming things in our spirit, giving us peace that truly ‘passes all understanding’, renewing our strength, it confirms HIS sustaining power, it encourages our hearts, it gives us a will to keep moving forward, and it simply reminds us that HE will never leave us or forsake us.

There are certain things spoken in silence by our heavenly Father…but it must begin with our silence in HIS presence. God is always speaking – even in HIS silence – HE speaks volumes.

“LORD, give us the desire to be quiet and still in YOUR presence; give us an ear to hear what’s being said even in YOUR silence. Father – I also ask that YOU hear what my mouth may not be saying but my heart is crying out to you. Amen

10 thoughts on ““Even in Silence – I’m Speaking”

  1. Wow! over the last month a Latino pastor here in Guatemala that I work with in prison and other work have been convicted of our prayers. We are so good at laying out our needs, our pain, even others needs in a long diatribe then ‘gettin’ to work!’ We think if prayer as conversation but our conviction has come to that when we are the only ones talking = it ain’t conversation… smile. One of the missed things here is Guatemala is conversation with your parents. Wish I could have had your dad preaching in the prison here, sister.
    Thank you for the good words and I am sharing with the above pastor. PLEASE add me to your list.

    1. Wow to you as well, it was great to hear from you. I will not only add you to this list but to my prayers as well. Take care.

    1. Amen….let that ‘speechless’ continue as the LORD continues to minister to your spirit.
      Dr. Robin

  2. Your writings are so deep and beautifully written!
    Even in the silence and quietness, our Father is with us! sometimes, I don’t know what to say but I ponder your writings in my heart!
    I can also say Wow and Amen!

  3. So often My Loving Heavenly Father speaks to me in His still small voice in the midst of my daily stuff. If my ears are not attuned to His voice I miss out.
    As our Pastor said on Sunday “Our ears need to be trained to here our Good Shepherd’s voice. “
    Isaiah 30:15 In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.
    Good word Dr. Robin.
    Good word Robin.

    1. Quietness and stillness are really a challenge in this day and age but it’s doable with a heart’s desire to do so. Thanks for your scripture posting the WORD is always relevant and encouraging.

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