“My Love Chases After You…”

“My Love Chases After You…”

The other day there was a devotional excerpt I read from the book called “Jesus Always” written by Sarah Young.  For those that may be familiar with this author you know she published several devotionals (e.g. Jesus Calling, Jesus Lives, Jesus Today, etc.) and what I’ve always liked about her writing style is that she writes as if Jesus is speaking to you personally.

Well, several days ago I simply opened the devotional “Jesus Always”  to March 3rd and was captured by the first line that said

My Love chases after you every day of your life. So look for signs of My tender Presence as you go through this day. 

Wow…this statement pierced by heart and made me stop and reflect for a moment that Jesus’ love was chasing me. What does this really mean? I know He loves me but I never thought about His love chasing after me because He loved me so… the passage then goes on to say,

My love for you is not passive; it actively chases after you and leaps into your life.”

As I continue to ponder these words; it made me ask myself if I had somehow moved from Jesus’ love. Why else did He need to chase me….perhaps certain actions or doubting thoughts push me away from His love and I didn’t even realize. I know the verse that “without faith it is impossible to please God…(Hebrews 11:6) but perhaps it’s not just impossible to please Him but I’ve also moved myself from the impact and strength of His love.

The next line I read now makes even more sense to me, Jesus then states –

“Invite me to open the eyes of your heart so you can ‘see’ Me blessing you in myriad ways – both small and great.” 

It’s this ‘eye-opening experience’ that lets me see the blessing that were right in front of me and recognize the strength of His Love over any circumstance that I may be experiencing. Indeed, love conquers all.

Lord, thank you for loving me enough to take the time to chase me with your loving Spirit. Help me slow down and be still in You. Father, I don’t want you to have to chase me but it’s great to know that you’ll never let me get too far…

20 thoughts on ““My Love Chases After You…”

  1. Lord I thank you for always showing me just how important I am. Help me to always walk with you each and every day.
    Thanks for sharing Mom!

  2. When I think about how he cherishes why spending time with him how do you how dare I adore him when he calls. I think about Friends that want to spend time but sometime we get too busy. I also think about how I have felt when I want it to spend time with someone and they didn’t have time for me because of the busyness of their life or other people or more important my feelings were hurt and then I think about how God must feel when we don’t give him the time he hast to chase us

  3. I think about Friends that want to spend time but sometime we get too busy. I also think about how I have felt when I want it to spend time with someone and they didn’t have time for me because of the busyness of their life or other people or more important my feelings were hurt and then I think about how God must feel when we don’t give him the time he hast to chase us

  4. I’m glad I’m not the only one that is moved by this posting….thanks for your thoughtful comments…. (smile)

  5. I thank God for the chase and the apprehension… for capturing me and growing me and believing in me and empowering me daily- to implement his purpose in the earth- giving his love BACK.

  6. I thank God for the chase and the apprehension… for capturing me and growing me and believing in me and empowering me daily- to implement his purpose in the earth- giving his love BACK

  7. “My love for you is not passive; it actively chases after you and leaps into your life.” These words bought me to tears because I know that I fall short so, so, so many times and I allow circumstances and situations to take my focus off of God and his great love for me. My prayer is that I will do the work by continuing to study and learn the word of God for myself. Like you said Dr. Robin, I too don’t want God to have to chase me but I thank him that he doesn’t allow us get too far out there that we can’t feel his love. Thank you for sharing.🙏🏾

    1. Thank you for sharing…this really hit home for me as well. Can we really image Jesus’ love chasing and ‘leaping’ into our lives? What an awesome God we serve!

  8. When I look back at my life I know that He chased me and never grew tired or gave up on me. Thank you, Jesus, for never giving up on me , especially because i , being a sinner, do not deserve it. You love me with a never ending love.

  9. One of phrases that caught my heart was “So look for signs of My tender Presence as you go through this day”. As He chases us, He wants us to notice Him and to fall in love with Him too! It’s poetry, it’s real, and it’s a genuine love story that we’re in.

  10. this speaks to me loud and clear! Slow down my child and spend time with me please! nobody can or will love you like I do!”

  11. A courtship that never ends. I love Him and I’m so grateful that He loves me. Oh how He must feel when I allow the trick of busyness to enter, but He remains Faithful. He’s our perfect love and I’m glad about it!

  12. Just reading this post. Thank You God for never giving up on me no matter how many time I disregard your presence.. My My what a powerful, convicting post.
    Thanks for sharing Auntie..

  13. Thank You Lord for not allowing me to get away from Your everlasting love.
    Beautiful Mom, Thanks for sharing.

  14. Dr. Robin,
    God is an awesome God, we are the apple of His eye and He holds us with His right hand. Just as a child tries to wiggle his hand out of our hand when we are holding it, we sometimes wiggle our hand from God’s hand. So that’s why He chases after us with His love. Thank you Lord Jesus for loving me so.

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