It’s finally time to Begin !

It’s finally time to Begin !

Hello Everyone:

I thought it would be helpful to let my first blog be a brief explanation as to why I came up with the name – “passion and pearls”.

When I think of the word passion – I think of strength, strong feeling and emotion, devotion, and heart’s desire. I don’t believe passion is something that just ‘falls out the sky’ – it’s something that continually echo’s in our mind and heart. When your thoughts are not focused on any particular thing – it’s the stimulus that pushes your thoughts and actions toward a certain desire, interest, or even person.

I connect this to how a pearl is formed in that there is an actual irritant, such as a grain of sand, that works its way into an oyster and as a type of ‘defense mechanism’, a fluid is used to coat the irritant. Layer upon layer of this coating is deposited until a beautiful pearl is formed.

I see our passion as a positive ‘irritant’ that’s not always recognized in its irritant form but is much needed to create the ‘layers’ of our unique pearls we dream to come true.

Is it time to open your oyster?

Dr. Robin

9 thoughts on “It’s finally time to Begin !

  1. What and awesome blog I love your words of what Passion can do. I truly feel the same way especially when it’s something or someone your hearts desires.

    When your thoughts are not focused on any particular thing – it’s the stimulus that pushes your thoughts and actions toward a certain desire, interest, or even person.

  2. Dr. Eubanks your timing is perfect, with all that is going on in the world we must return to our passion and what God has put in our hearts. It willl propel us to move. Thank you for your words.

  3. God Bless you! Dr. Eubanks this is right on time for me! I am preparing for an empowerment seminar and passion is a topic I will be addressing. Thank you for your obedience and wisdom! I appreciate you!

  4. This is beautiful. You are the one that keeps pushing us until you/we finally see layers after layers forming. Thank you for the push.

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